Thursday, July 9, 2009



So you've started a brand new business and all your associates and friends tell you that the key to success is marketing, marketing and more marketing.

Probably you 've also been advised that you need to get a website for your business as soon as possible, because this the best form of marketing as your business is exposed to literally millions of consumers on the world wide web , at literally the click of a button.

This may sound like a good idea and you may actually follow through on it. Picture this. A few months down the line you will probably be making the same remark that various other business owners in your position are making every single day, which may be any of the following:

  • I have a website, but I do not see the benefit of having one.
  • My website does not generate any revenue for my business.
  • Nobody knows about my website.

What Now?

The answer is very simple, you need to promote your website. There are various ways and means of promoting you website, the following being but a few:

  • Affixing your website address to various business literature such as brochures, business cards etc.
  • Affixing your website address to advertisements in the print media.
  • By word of mouth.

These methods, although mostly used,are not that effective as you can only reach a very limited number of people who actually have access to either your business or the specific print media used and almost certainly within a certain geographical area.

So what now?

Once more the answer is very simple, ONLINE MARKETING!!!
Online marketing is a skill which should be mastered by any business owner wishing to make the most of their website in terms revenue generation, expanding their client base as well gaining international exposure for their business. The concept of Online Marketing, covers various aspects such as:

  • Gaining exposure for you business through the window known as the website.
  • It may also expose you to opportunites for income generation through your website.

Most importantly understanding the principles of Online Marketing will definitely enhance your skills in generating traffic to your website which forms the crux of the matter. The bottom line is that if you cannot revert or generate traffic to your website, the exposure thereof will always be limited and in turn will limit any benefits reaped from your website.

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